Neuroscience Club
The TCNJ Neuroscience Club fosters interest, education, and experiential learning about topics in neuroscience. This effort will be supplemented with recreational and fundraising activities, organized educational trips, guest speakers and panel discussions, outreach at pre-collegiate levels, and sustained academic support with the goal of establishing academic programs for the fostering of the neuroscience discipline on campus.
Psi Chi, The National Honors Society in Psychology
The TCNJ Chapter of Psi Chi promotes scholarly and professional development of students within the field of psychology. Our chapter has won multiple “Model Chapter” awards from the national organization, a distinction conveyed to only about 50 chapters per year. For more information about Psi Chi please contact the executive board at
Psychology Club
Psychology Club is a generalist organization that provides support and opportunities for students, especially freshmen and sophomores, to enhance their understanding of the Psychology major and career directions in the field. For more information, please contact the executive board at
Student Advisory Board
The Student Advisory Board works with the Department Chair and Program Coordinator to support and advise the Psychology Department. Members provide input on proposed curricular decisions, experiential learning opportunities, and social activities to help the faculty best serve the students. Members also help at department events, serve as liaisons to new students, and help with communication to other Psychology majors. For more information, please email our Program Coordinator, Kristy McCadden (